Viviana Mazza is US Correspondent for Corriere della Sera since November 2022, period before which she was Writer and Assistant Editor at the Foreign Desk for the same newspaper. Prior to such role she was Assistant Editor for Egypt Today writing articles about Egyptian and Arab politics, society and culture from 2005 to 2006. In the past she has written as a freelance and contributing wrtier for several national and international newspapers including, Europa (Italy), La Stampa (Italy), The Independent (UK), Colors (US), Psychology Today (US), D di Repubblica (Italy), and Z Magazine (US). Viviana Mazza began her career as a General-assignment Reporter, for Giornale di Siciliain 2001.
She has also written several books including, “Nelson Mandela as a boy” (Mondadori, 2014), “Storia di Malala” (Mondadori, 2013), and she is co-author of “Stolen girls” (Harper Collins, 2018).
In the past, Mazza has also been a translator for the biography “Fellini”.
She is the recipient of, the Lucchetta Award 2010 for best Italian article on dailies and periodicals (for a piece about Iran); the Amerigo Award (2010) for best article published in Italy about the United States; and the Biagio Agnes for reportage (2020).