
Il Consiglio per le Relazioni tra Italia e Stati Uniti ricorda commosso le vittime, i loro familiari e tutti coloro che hanno sofferto per mano del terrorismo fondamentalista. I valori di pace, democrazia, giustizia, sviluppo, che per quaranta anni il...
  • 12 Settembre 2023
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WEBINAR | “After the US Midterm elections on American and global outlook” – November 10th with Charles Kupchan (Professor of International Affairs, School of Foreign Service and Government Department at Georgetown University and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign...
  • 16 Novembre 2022
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PS | “Stablecoins, Riskycoins, and Dodgycoins” – Willem H. Buiter; Anne C. Sibert PS | “The New Productivism Paradigm?” – Dani Rodrik PS | “A Stagflatonary Debt Crisis Looms” – Nouriel Roubini
  • 7 Luglio 2022
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WEBINAR | Energy: the 2022 Outlook | 9th April with Franco Bernabè (Chairman, Acciaierie d’Italia) WEBINAR | War in Ukraine and its Consequences for the United States | 21st April with Gerard Baker (Editor at large, The Wall Street Journal)...
  • 20 Maggio 2022
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