A common future: the United States and Italy

L’incontro dal tema “A COMMON FUTURE: THE UNITED STATES AND ITALY” ha avuto luogo a Washington, DC il 17 ottobre 2019 presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia.

All’apertura dei lavori un saluto di benvenuto è stato rivolto dagli Ambasciatori Armando Varricchio (Ambasciatore d’Italia in U.S.) Lewis M. Eisenberg (Ambassador U.S. in Italia), e dal Presidente Domenico Siniscalco.

Il Ministro Luigi Di Maio (Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy) e Philip T. Reeker (Acting Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Department of State, USA) moderati da Gianni Riotta (Vice Presidente Esecutivo del Consiglio per le Relazioni tra Italia e Stati Uniti) sono intervenuti sul tema “The US and Italy: Outlook on Transatlantic Relations”.

I keynote speeches sono stati tenuti da Lawrence A. Kudlow (Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director, National Economic Council) e Kenneth Rogoff (Professor of Economics, Harvard University).

In addition, thanks to Ambassador Armando Varricchio, we visit ed the White House at the presence of President Donald Trump and President Sergio Mattarella, followed by dinner at the Italian Embassy

Opening: Armando Varricchio (Ambassador of Italy to the U.S.)


Lewis M. Eisenberg (U.S. Ambassador to Italy)


Introduction: Domenico Siniscalco (Chairman, The Council for the United States

and Italy)




Moderator: Gianni Riotta (Executive Vice Chairman, The Council for the United States

and Italy)

Luigi Di Maio (Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy)


Philip T. Reeker (Acting Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs,

Department of State, USA)

Speech by: Lawrence A. Kudlow (Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director,


National Economic Council)

Speech by: Roberto Gualtieri (Minister of Economy and Finance, Italy)


Moderator: Alec Ross (Visiting Professor, King's College London, UK)

Franco Bernabè (Chairman, Cellnex)

Christopher Giancarlo (former Chairman, United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission)

Bibop Gabriele Gresta (Chairman and Co-Founder, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies)

David Livingston (Deputy Director, Climate and Advanced Energy Center, Atlantic Council)

Fabrizio Palermo (Chief Executive Officer, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti)

Paola Severino (Vice President, LUISS Guido Carli University)


Keynote speech: Kenneth Rogoff (Professor of Economics, Harvard University)

Moderator: Maurizio Molinari (Editor, La Stampa)

Uri Dadush (Non-Resident Fellow, Bruegel)

Reza Moghadam (Vice Chairman for Sovereigns and Official Institutions, Morgan Stanley)

Nouriel Roubini (Chief Executive Officer, Roubini Macro Associates)


Moderator: Marta Dassù (Senior Advisor European Affairs, The Aspen Institute)

Gerard Baker (Editor at Large, The Wall Street Journal)

Robert Cox (Global Editor, Reuters Breakingviews)

Giovanna De Maio (Visiting Fellow, Center on the United States and Europe, The Brookings Institution)

James Politi (World Trade Editor, Financial Times)


End of proceedings

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